Check the exchange rate between a range of crypto-currenices from your smartwatch or with widgets on your phone and tablet.
Currently supports the currencies:
bitcoin, dogecoin, litecoin, darkcoin, monero and usd
on exchanges:
bitfinex, coinbase, bitstamp, kraken, poloniex, cryptsy, btce and bter
more to be added
Verificare il tasso di cambio tra una gamma di cripto-currenices dal tuo SmartWatch o con i widget sul vostro telefono cellulare e tablet.
Attualmente supporta le valute:
Bitcoin, dogecoin, Litecoin, darkcoin, Monero e usd
sugli scambi:
bitfinex, coinbase, bitstamp, kraken, poloniex, cryptsy, btce e BTER
più da aggiungere