The ultimate in "Analog Watch, With built-in features like ambient mode, watch and mobile battery status, and date.
Watch360 focus is in creating professional looking watch faces. Each Watch Face is engineered by high quality design and took enormous time to choose the watch colors with soothing effect which ultimately makes the watch unmatchable and incomparable.
Key custom features:-
• Latest Weather updates
• Classic Design
• Ultimate readability
• Clean and simplistic look
• Remaining battery life of your device so you exactly know when to charge
• Ambient mode engineered with the latest wear Api makes your watch’s battery stronger than ever
This watch face is for rectangular and circular smart watches such as the LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear Live, Motorola Moto 360, LG G Watch, LG G WATCH R, and Samsung Gear Live
Visit our exclusive Watch face collection for Android Wear on our website
How it works?
Its simple just download the app to your smartphone and sync it with the watch. The watch face that you will choose will be displayed on your watch screen. Open Settings from Android Wear app to customize the Watch Face. Get this app now and provide us your feedback :)
键自定义功能: -
这款腕表的脸是矩形和圆形智能手表,如LG摹观察,LG摹观察R,三星Gear直播,摩托罗拉摩托360,LG摹观察,LG摹WATCH R,三星齿轮直播
请访问我们的独家直击脸上集合在我们的网站 Android Wear。
其简单的只需下载应用程序到您的智能手机,并同步其与手表。表盘,你会选择将显示你的手表屏幕上。从Android Wear应用程序打开的设置来定制手表表面。得到这个程序现在向我们提供您的反馈:)